Monday, June 13, 2022



Funny, this photo hearkens back to my "Lizzy Frizzfrock" blog days when the G-man and I were staying at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon... it's a beautiful sunrise. I sneaked out of our cabin and walked along the rim to capture it. The G-man slept through it all but he love the photograph. I have no idea why I chose it for my "entrance" into today's blog. I just love the photo and my time with the G-man, brief though it was.

Today, right now, I've had a glass of wine and it sent me back to times that I loved. I have other times too with other people, but my time with the G-man was special... it was pleasant; it was not contentious. We cared for one another and loved one another and respected one another. That is the most important point I think, respect. Love is important but respect for the other may "overcome" love in a relationship.

I'm not sure if it the photo or the wine or both that have made me remember the wonderful times, great times, with the G-man. I always want to remember and revisit the places that were so special to me, but it's difficult at my an advancing age. I can take Jake but he cannot fathom the meaning... I'm not sure anyone can. It was all a process to becoming... but becoming what? Becoming who I am? But at my age does it matter who I am? Who cares other than I? I think it's important to know who we are; we take stock from time to time. Have you taken stock of your life?

The funny things about writing a blog is you never know where it's going...


  Funny, this photo hearkens back to my "Lizzy Frizzfrock" blog days when the G-man and I were staying at the North Rim of the Gra...