Thursday, May 12, 2022

Greetings from Central Texas!

Greetings from central Texas. Many years ago I met and became fast friends with fellow bloggers from around the USA and the World. My blog was Lizzy Frizzfrock, Lizzy's Photos, and more recently Thoughts on Racism & Whatever-else is Important. I think the later one had a last entry in January 2021. I don't think I want to continue with that title and may go back to the original or come up with something different.
I have such wonderful memories with the Lizzy Frizzfrock blog because it covered many things that the G-man & I did together. He passed away 8 years ago this coming June. I miss him and cherish the memories we made and many that I shared on by blog. I may want to keep it separate. As for Lizzy's Photos, well I haven't taken a lot of photos except around home... I could still resurrect it on occasion.
"Thoughts on Racism..." may be just too controversial and though I may discuss various "-isims" I don't want to go announcing trouble before it's ever read. In other words, I'm looking for peaceful, calm, sincere responses to any thoughts I write. Also, I do not have a "chip on my shoulder" which that title may indicate that I have.
What I do have is a deep sadness and apprehension bordering on despair for the direction of our country and the world. I see our democracy slipping away. I fear we may have to loose it before people will realize the freedoms that we may lose. If I can come up with a new blog title this comment on your new blog may be my first entry.
So happy a fellow blogger has returned to "Blogland"!!! I'm hoping other of our blog friends will follow suit!

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  Funny, this photo hearkens back to my "Lizzy Frizzfrock" blog days when the G-man and I were staying at the North Rim of the Gra...