Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Weather: Heat and No Rain Chance

Today my thoughts are scattered. Perhaps number one is just how hot it already is in Texas and it's just past mid-May! The temperatures are hovering in the mid to upper 90s and hitting 100 in some areas. There is not much chance of rain in our future... only 10% to 20% chances. Generally speaking, the end of May and into June are our best chances for significant rain... but now it's just plain hot.

The mornings are beautiful but the afternoons are brutal. I love looking outside the back of my house. The field has a few wildflowers still in bloom and I shall wait for the seeds to drop before I mow. Getting out early to mow is something I still enjoy doing. I commune with nature. Sometimes birds will fly to the ground to pickup worms that are more easily spotted. Butterflies flit along the ground sipping nectar from wildflowers. Usually, there is a pleasant breeze so my chore is enjoyable. It's definitely not a time of quiet contemplation because of the noise from the mower, but I wear ear coverings and the noise is at least muffled. As neighbors walk past I turn off my mower to have a little chat or have a chance just to say, "hello ... how are you?" 

Right now I don't want to go into any deep thoughts although there are several hanging at the back of my consciousness. Maybe I'll address those later... maybe not. I hope you have pleasant thoughts today and please share them if you would like. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Cheryl, thanks for putting up the link on your facebook account! This way at least your fb friends can read your thoughts. But why is it limited, why does google shrug its shoulders and say, That blog doesn`t exist, when clearly it DOES?!
    I am sorry for the heat in Texas. There are so many places in the world, like Eastern Australia, but also the middle part of Germany right now, where there are masses of rain coming down. It should be spread more equally! I suppose that we must soon make a date and practice for a substancial rain dance! Someone must invent a song, and then we all hold hands and hop in a wide circle! Cheryl, isn`t that a really good idea?



  Funny, this photo hearkens back to my "Lizzy Frizzfrock" blog days when the G-man and I were staying at the North Rim of the Gra...